Someone once said to me, “Organizers are born, not made.” Though I don’t completely agree with that statement, in my case part of it is true. For me Organizing was a bit of a family birthright. My father was a crew chief for American Airlines. He was literally in charge of the loading and organizing of the airplane’s cargo. He lived by, and often quoted the old adage…

“A place for everything, and everything in its place.”

As scary as this often sounds for people, the lesson is quite simple…It’s much easier to stay organized, if first you’ve made a proper place for your things. In my over twenty-year career in the entertainment industry, whether as an actress, producer, or professional organizer, his valuable lesson always served me well.

Over the years I found that I was often helping my friends and co-workers to organize and simplify their homes, workplaces etc. So, when I added the role of Professional Organizer to my list of credits, I joined the National Association Of Professional Organizers or NAPO in 1998. I served as their Program Director in 2001.

My goal, and my greatest reward with all my clients, is to help them see their way through the task that seems insurmountable.  Whether it be a home of twenty years that needs to be packed and moved, an office where  the desktop can no longer be seen, or a garage where there’s no room for a car, there is no perfect formula. Inevitably everyone finds their own way to the clearing. But, with a few simple steps in the right direction, the path is usually easier than you think.